8 People Most Responsible For Obito’s Change

Talk no Jutsu

Obito dreamed of becoming Hokage, but instead he turned into a love-obsessed villain, which is why his downfall was so tragic.

Over the past 15 years, Naruto has become one of the most popular manga and anime series in the world, which is great because it teaches people the value of friendship and determination.

As the anime series continued to evolve, fans were introduced to more and more characters, most of them talented ninjas with their own unique skill sets, and in the Kakashi Gaiden spin-off, fans was introduced to Uchiha Obito.

Obito was a member of Team Minato, which included Kakashi and Rin, and for the longest time, his teammates believed he sacrificed himself to save them.

However, he is still alive, and after witnessing a traumatic event, he decides to side with Uchiha Madara, who wants to bring the entire shinobi world into an eternal dream world.

Obito dreamed of becoming Hokage, but instead he turned into a love-obsessed villain, which is why his downfall was so tragic.

Obito himself

clans in Naruto
Obito himself

There are many people to blame for Obito’s downfall, but in the end, it’s himself who is the biggest factor. He was manipulated by both Madara and Zetsu, and that manipulation resulted in a loss so painful that he wanted to create a dream world where Rin still lives.

Naruto grew up alone, shunned by the whole village because of something completely out of his control, and he lost Jiraiya, who was in fact his father. Naruto could have turned evil because of this pain, but he didn’t, which shows that Obito fell because he wasn’t strong enough to overcome the pain.

Uchiha Madara made up Rin’s death

Talk no Jutsu
Uchiha Madara made up Rin’s death

Madara is arguably the best villain in the series, and it can be argued that he’s not actually responsible for Obito’s downfall but neither is he largely responsible for Madara.

Zetsu may have tricked Madara into believing Infinite Tsukuyomi could bring real peace to the world, but Madara was the one who orchestrated Rin’s second kidnapping, and he caused the Mist Village to seal the Three-Tails into the world. inside her. He also arranged for Obito to witness Rin’s death.

Black Zetsu has manipulated them all

When Kaguya created Black Zetsu, she gave him a job: to find a way to revive her. To do this, Zetsu mainly had to work from the shadows, which is why he secretly instigated many major events that shaped the entire ninja world.

He was the one who changed the inscription of the Uchiha stele by saying that the Infinite Tsukuyomi would be the family’s salvation. As soon as Madara read this, he began working on his plan, and when he died, it was Black Zetsu who “helped” Obito by posing as a manifestation of Madara’s will.

Kaguya created Zetsu in a scheme involving Obito

Talk no Jutsu
Kaguya created Zetsu in a scheme involving Obito

Otsutsuki Kaguya was once the strongest being in the Naruto universe, but there are still people who can give her a real fight. Kaguya is the reason why chakra exists in the ninja world, and if it weren’t for her sons to seal her away, she would have slain all of humanity.

Upon learning she was defeated, Kaguya created the Black Zetsu, a manifestation of her will. This could have happened hundreds of years ago, but the need for self-revival is why Zetsu ended up targeting Madara, who then chose Obito to carry out the Eye of the Moon Plan.

Kakko was the reason why Rin was kidnapped in the first place

There are many ninjas that fans have forgotten, and Kakko is definitely one of them. Kakko is the ninja of the Stone Village who kidnapped Rin during the Kannabi Bridge mission, and he placed her in a genjutsu to get information from her.

Obito and Kakashi teamed up to defeat Kakko, and the battle ended in a cave where a large rock fell on Obito, crushing the right side of his body. Without Kakko, Rin would never have been captured, and more importantly, Obito wouldn’t have been injured and was later rescued by Madara.

Minato was nowhere to be found

Minato sacrificed himself to save Konoha from the rampage of the Nine-Tails, which is why he is considered one of the greatest Hokage in history. He was not there when Rin was kidnapped as Leaf’s forces needed his help on the battlefield, and he was apparently on another mission when Rin was captured by the Mist Village.

Even among the Hokage, Minato is quite strong, so he can easily help Rin in both situations. As the team’s teacher, he was ultimately responsible for their safety, but he was nowhere to be found, and this left both Rin and Obito injured.

Kakashi broke his promise

Kakashi broke his promise

Before Kakashi became the Great Hokage, he was a ninja focused solely on completing his mission, but after witnessing Obito’s sacrifice, he began to value his friend’s life more than any other mission. which mission was completed, that’s why he set out to rescue Rin from the Mist Village’s plan.

Kakashi had promised Obito that he would protect Rin, but she decided to take her own life by stepping into Kakashi’s Chidori. She does this because she doesn’t want to be used as a weapon against her village. He fought Obito in an emotional battle near the end of the series, and this fight would never have happened if Kakashi could keep his promise.

Rin is someone Obito loves so much

Rin is a Konoha female ninja who serves as a healing ninja assigned to Team Minato, and Obito happens to be madly in love with her. It was because of this love that he risked his life to save her when she was kidnapped by the Stone Village ninja during their mission at Kannabi Bridge.

After being saved, he trained to get better so he could return to Rin, but the next time he saw her, she was dead. Rin may not force Obito to become a villain, but his love for her is what drives him.

For Naruto Universe Blog, the first reason is the biggest reason for Obito’s change.